
{Straight From the Heart}   *Eighteen Years Late*  7/21/00

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Eighteen Years Late

By:  Michael T. Powers

Junior High.

Probably the worst time in a young person's life.  A time when your 
body is changing in ways you never thought possible, and you spend 
most of your time trying to fit in a mold that your peers have formed 
for you.  Gone are the days of Elmer's glue, crayons, and the tiny 
scissors with the rounded edges. (Yes, they trust you with the 
sharp-edged scissors in Jr. High.)  From here on out, you have your 
own locker, you carry your books to each class, and you start making 
your own decisions on which classes to take.  Oh yeah, I almost forgot.
They make you take showers in front of your peers!  Naked!!!!!!!

But what I remember most about Jr. High was the incredible pain and 
heartache that students inflicted on one another with their words and 
actions.  There were students who seemed to have it all together, and 
made those around them feel as if they didn't measure up.  But I'll 
let you in on a little secret.  Those who make a habit of ripping on 
others, have a terrible self-image.  In fact, they are usually a 
totally different person from the one they present to the outside 
world.  In order to make themselves feel better, they tear others 
down.  You can bank on that.  Those who are comfortable with 
themselves, have no need to rip on others.  In fact, they will take 
time to build others up.  A sure sign of a good self-image.

I didn't have the best self-image in Jr. High, and there were two 
things that I fell back on to be accepted during my Jr. High years:  
athletics and humor.  I have always been a decent athlete, which 
brought a certain confidence and comfort level in my life.  And I 
have always been able to make people laugh.  But at times the laughter 
came at another's expense, and most times I didn't fully realize what 
I was doing to the self-images of those around me.  Especially to one 
young girl in particular…

Her name was Tracy and she had a crush on me.  But instead of nicely 
letting her know that I wasn't interested in her, I got caught up in 
trying to be funny, with her being the brunt of my jokes.  I am 
ashamed now to think of how I treated her in 7th grade.  I went out 
of my way to make things miserable for her.  I made up songs about 
her, and even wrote short stories in which I had to save the world 
from Tracy the evil villain. 

But that all changed about half way through the year.  Mr. Greer, my 
physical education teacher, came up to me one day.

"Hey Mike, you got a second?"
"Sure Mr. Greer!" I said.  

(Everybody loved Mr. Greer, and I looked up to him like a father.)

"Mike, I heard a rumor that you were going around picking on Tracy?"
He paused and looked me straight in the eye. It seemed like an 
eternity before he continued.
"You know what I told the person I heard that from?  I told them it 
couldn't possibly be true.  The Mike Powers I know, would never treat 
another person like that.  Especially a young lady."

I gulped, but said nothing.

He gently put his hand on my shoulder and said, "I just thought you 
should know that."
Then he turned and walked away without a backward glance.  Leaving me 
to my thoughts.

From that day on I stopped picking on Tracy.

I knew that the rumor was true, and that I had let my role-model down 
by my actions. But more importantly it made me realize how badly I 
must have hurt this girl and others whom I had made life difficult for.  

It was probably a couple of months later, before I fully realized the 
incredible way in which Mr. Greer handled the problem.  He not only 
made me realize the seriousness of my actions, but he did it in a way 
which helped me to save some of my pride.  My respect and love for him 
grew even stronger after that.

I don't think I ever apologized to Tracy for my hurtful words and 
actions.  She moved away the next year and I never saw her again.  
While I was very immature as a seventh grader, I should have known 
better.  In fact I did know better, but it took the wisdom of my 
favorite teacher to bring it out into the light.

So Tracy, if you're out there, I am truly sorry for the way that I 
treated you and I ask for your forgiveness.  Something I should have 
done 18 years ago.

Michael T. Powers

Copyright © 2000 by Michael T. Powers, All rights reserved 

Send me an email and let me know what you thought of this story!

To read more about Mr. Greer and what he has meant to thousands of 
students, check out the following website:
Heroes Among Us


 Michael is happily married to his high school sweetheart Kristi, and 
has two boys: Caleb (Who just turned 5 years old) and Connor (Who 
will be 2 in a week or so).  He is currently working on a book 
tentatively called, "Daddyhood," and several of his stories have 
been published, most notably, Chicken Soup for the Soul, Alice Gray's 
Stories From the Heart series, and the expected national best-seller, 
Heartwarmers, available in bookstores now.
      Michael owns a video production business, coaches high school 
girls' sports, and is the founder of "Straight From the Heart," a 
free daily E-Zine on the Internet that features inspirational and 
uplifting stories, often by published writers.  To subscribe send an 
email to:  Thunder27@aol.com


From:	JANDIP19@ol.com

I noticed at the end of the ezine every morning you have people that 
request prayers. I have never done this before, but I have just found 
out the my children's "nanny" ( she watches them when I'm not home but 
won't accept a dollar from us, and since my children are 11 and almost 
9 the term babysitter is unpleasent to them), anyway I rambled there, 
she has recently found out that she has breast cancer. She will most 
likely lose the one breast. Would it be possible for the readers to 
say a little something for her? She is a lovely woman and I can't 
beleive that she has to go through this.

From:	WEN1742@aol.com

Please everyone pray for my cousin in Arkansas.  Her 9 year old son 
drowned last Saturday while on a boy scout camping trip and she along 
with the rest of the family are coping with this terrible loss.
Thanks a bunch.

Update on Kim who is having back surgery

From:	jaimie_ann@hotmail.com (Jaimie W)

Hi...here is the update on mom...
She made it through the spinal tap just fine, she was having a nasty 
headache from that but from 10 am to current mom has had NO back pain.  
She's been up and about, walking around since they injected the morphine in 
her this morning, I can barely ever remember her getting around like she is 
now.  So it looks like things are working out wonderfully.  Her surgery is 
scheduled for early afternoon tomorrow, 2ish.  Thank you all for your 
prayers and happy thoughts, they mean the world to us.  Looks like our 
prayers are finally being answered.
Thanks again.
God Bless,

Thought For The Day:

"The past should be a springboard, not a hammock."
(Ivern Ball)

Verse for the Day:

"Though your beginning was insignificant, yet your end will increase greatly."
Job 8:7

Kid's Thought For The Day:

"It can't hurt to ask for a fourth wish."

Parent's Thought For The Day

"When the phone rings, it's for your teenager. When the phone bill 
arrives, it's for you."
(Bruce Lansky)

Coach's Thought For The Day

"A decade after graduation, almost everyone will have forgotten when 
and where and what they played.  But every time they speak, everyone 
will know whether they are educated."
(Theodore Hesburgh)

Deep Thought For The Day:

"When their numbers dwindled from 50 to 8, the other dwarves began
to suspect Hungry."

\_\  /    THUNDER27@aol.com   http://members.aol.com/Thunder27/index.html
/_/  \    "For I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but
\_\/\ \   Christ lives in me.  The life I live in the body I live for the Son
   \_\/   of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."  Galatians 2:20	

Video Imagery (Michael's Video Production Business)

"I thought of you first after my family sat down to watch the video 
we gave them. They loved it, to say the least!  Within thirty 
seconds my mom was crying and my dad did too.  They said it was 
the best Christmas gift we could have given them!!  You did such 
a beautiful job!  They were so suprised and so touched---they 
really, really, really loved it.  Thanks for helping to make it so 
special to us all.  My mom mentioned how the songs were perfect for 
the video too!  Thanks again!"
Kelli  (RKaGe@aol.com)    College Station, TX 

Let me make you a video from your pictures or home movies!
Check out the web page for Michael's video production business!
 Video Imagery 