{Straight From the Heart}   *The Path*  12/16/99

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The Path

I stand beyond the threshold, and behold the universe
In all its wonder and awe.
How did I get here?  Do I dare to believe that all of this
Is reality and truth?

As I turn, I see the path behind me, sometimes straight,
Sometimes a very gnarled path,
Sometimes no path at all.
Sometimes wide, sometimes so narrow that it seems a mere thread.
I see the obstacles also, the mountains which were scaled with ease,
The tiny obstacles which seemed to be insurmountable.

I see myself with my virtues and my vices,
My emotions, the good and the bad.
The only things I carried with me were the
Desires of the heart.

I saw the battles that were waged,
The defeats, the victories.
I saw the times I seemed to be lost forever,
And failure seemed to be the victor.
In my defeats, I learned humility.
I saw the times I was given hope and strength to fight.
I saw the times I could not fight at all,
And called upon others to fight for me.
I saw that the victories belong to the Creator alone.

All along the way were those who urged me on,
Or extended a hand to help me when I fell.
There are those who carried me
When there was no strength left within me,
Those who guided me when the way was dark,
So very, very dark.
They did not sit in judgement on me,
But gave me love and understanding
And inspired me to trust and go on.

I looked before me and beheld a sea of beauty
That the mind could not comprehend,
But only the spirit.
I looked back and saw another path.
And upon this path was one who was blind, and struggling.
I looked down at my hands,
And I still carried in them the desires of the heart.
I turned to him then,
And stretched forth my hands.

by Viki Florkowski

My First Christmas in Heaven

  I see the countless Christmas trees 
around the world below 
    With tiny lights, like Heaven's stars, 
 reflecting on the snow 

 The sight is so spectacular, 
 please wipe away the tear 
  For I am spending Christmas with 
Jesus Christ this year. 

 I hear the many Christmas songs 
that people hold so dear 
But the sounds of music can't compare 
with the Christmas choir up here. 

 I have no words to tell you, 
the joy their voices bring, 
 For it is beyond description, 
 to hear the angels sing. 

 I know how much you miss me, 
I see the pain inside your heart. 
 But I am not so far away, 
We really aren't apart. 

 So be happy for me, dear ones, 
You know I hold you dear. 
 And be glad I'm spending Christmas 
with Jesus Christ this year. 

I sent you each a special gift, 
from my heavenly home above. 
 I sent you each a memory 
of my undying love. 

 After all, love is a gift more precious 
than pure gold. 
 It was always most important 
in the stories Jesus told. 

 Please love and keep each other, 
as my Father said to do. 
 For I can't count the blessing or love 
he has for each of you. 

 So have a Merry Christmas and  
wipe away that tear. 
Remember, I am spending Christmas with 
Jesus Christ this year. 

*This poem was written by a 13 year old boy 
 who died of a brain tumor that 
 he had battled for four years.  
He died on December 14, 1997. 
 He gave this to his mom before he died. 
 His name was Ben.   

My thanks to Joanne for sharing that one with all of us!


Thought For The Day:

"The person who is born with a talent which he was meant to use finds his 
greatest happiness in using it."

Verse for the Day:

"But life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me 
by the Lord Jesus."
Acts 20:24

Kid's Thought For The day:

"Don't squeeze your hamster."

Parent's Thought For The Day

"You are never so high as when you are on your knees."
(Jean Hodges)

Coach's Thought For The Day

"The substitute that thinks his place below him, will certainly be 
below his place."
(John Kessel)

Deep Thought For The Day:

"My greatest fear in life is that no one will remember me after 
I'm dead." 
(Some dead guy)

\_\  /    THUNDER27@aol.com   http://members.aol.com/Thunder27/index.html
/_/  \    "For I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but
\_\/\ \   Christ lives in me.  The life I live in the body I live for the Son
   \_\/   of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."  Galatians 2:20