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{Straight From the Heart}   *Generation to Generation*  9/27/00
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Straight From the Heart
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Stay tuned for a new wonderful story by my beloved Bride Kristi tomorrow entitled, "My Foerver Friend."  It could be her best yet!  Other great stories are in store for you in the following week, including today's by Mary Emma Allen. 
Be sure to write to the authors if you feel led to do so!
Generation to Generation
By Mary Emma Allen

As the old woman reclines in her wheelchair, stares vacantly into
space, no longer speaks, and cannot feed herself, you wonder why God
allows her to live.
"What is her life worth?" people ask me about my mother.
Then I watch as the two-year old runs across the room when we
arrive at the nursing home and touches her hand.  His six-year old sister
holds up a picture she's drawn and says, "See what I made for you,
Grandma DeeDee."
With an effort, the old lady focuses on them and smiles.  When
the little boy sits in the chair beside her, she rubs his soft hair.
The little girl gives her a hug.  She can't communicate with the children in
words, but the sense of love surrounds them.
The tears come to my eyes as I watch the generations respond to
one another in a world where age and recognition don't matter.  My
grandchildren and my mother share through smiles and touch.
Mother Has a Purpose
"She has a purpose," I say to myself.   She is touching the lives
of her great grandchildren and teaching them about family relationships
and caring, even though she doesn't realize it.  God has a purpose in her
life and a reason, it seems, for her to continue living even though it's
not the type of life we would desire if conditions were ideal.
Ravages of Alzheimer's
My mother has Alzheimer's disease and has been in a nursing home
for more than six years.  She no longer knows who I am, or if she does,
it's in fleeting glimpses.  She can't feed herself nor care for herself.
But she does respond to touch and kind words with her lovely smile.
My grandchildren, two-year old Alex and six-year old Kara,
accompany me on weekly visits.  They seem to enjoy these trips to the
nursing home and seeing Great Grandma DeeDee and other residents.
Alex doesn't understand who she is; but apparently she's become a
familiar face because he'll pick her out of a room of residents and run
to her  wheel chair.  Kara knows that Great Grandma no longer can care
for herself and requires more attention than we can give at home.
Children Enjoy the Nursing Home
Both children also enjoy participating in special events at the
nursing home - Christmas and New Year's parties, an Easter egg hunt, and
sharing these occasions with family members.  They also like to be
involved in activities such as bingo, exercise classes, and crafts.
Families Can Participate
Placing a relative in a nursing home may not be the way we would
wish to handle the situation if conditions were ideal.  But life usually
doesn't hand us perfect situations. We must consider the realities and
act accordingly.
However, we still can experience interaction as a family unit.
We can teach our children and grandchildren that the elderly are
important and need our attention.  The children also learn that family
members have varying degrees of capability and require different kinds of
care and love.
Not Depressing for Children
"I think it's so depressing for children to see old people like that," I've been told.
However, my grandchildren don't feel that way.  To them it's fun
to visit the nursing home, make Great Grandma DeeDee smile, receive
attention from the other residents and staff, to draw pictures for Great
Grandma and other residents, to have a tea party with Great Grandma.
To them, being old is a natural part of life and going to visit
Great Grandma at the nursing home will be remembered with pleasure and
"And we make Grandma DeeDee happy," concludes Kara, when asked
why she visits a woman who doesn't know her.
"Grandma smiles," comments Alex and his face breaks into a wide
grin.  "Grandma happy."
Thus they reveal that enjoyment is a two way relationship as they
interact with their great grandmother and form a bond of love between
the generations.
(I wrote this piece two years ago.  My mother is still alive and
even less capable.  However, visiting her at the nursing home still
delights Kara and Alex as they hope I'll time my visits for the hours
they're out of school and can accompany me.)
Mary Emma Allen
Send Mary Emma an email and let her know what you thought of her writing!
Mary Emma Allen is the author of the book about her mother's
Alzheimer's, "When We Become the Parent to Our Parents."  She gives
talks to nursing homes and to groups about coping with this disease. 
Visit her Web Site for more information:
From:  Wilma (
Dear Friends,
 Many of you have prayed for my brother-in-law Pete. He was diagnosed with lung cancer 18 months ago. He has gone through chemo treatments and had 17 radiation treatments. In recent weeks he has been having pain for the first time. They started his radiation treatments up again.
 Today when he went in for his treatment, they could not draw blood. (this has happened before) Pete had a reaction and began shaking, his blood pressure was up, they put oxygen on him and took him to Emergency. My sister Jan called and asked me to start a prayer chain at church, and to call our family to prayer.  I am asking you to join us.
 Please remember Jan especially. Since June, we have lost two family members and a very dear friend. We are feeling the strain, but God promises to be with us and will not put more on us then we can bare.
 I will keep you informed. Please pass this on to your prayer groups.
Sharing His love,
Thought For The Day:
"It is better to give than to lend, and it costs about the same"
(Phillip Gibbs)
Verse for the Day:
"But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back.  Then your reward will be great."
Luke 6:35
Kid's Thought For The Day:
"It's more fun to ask questions than to answer them."
Parent's Thought For The Day
"If scientists can put a man on the moon, why can't they figure out which kid hit the other first?"
(Bruce Lansky)
Coach's Thought For The Day
"Keep your mind and options open.  The lessons you learn after you thought you knew everything may be the most important of all."
Deep Thought For The Day:
"The meek shall inherit the earth, if that's OK with you."

\_\  /  
/_/  \    "For I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but
\_\/\ \   Christ lives in me.  The life I live in the body I live for the Son
   \_\/   of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."  Galatians 2:20 

Video Imagery (Michael's Video Production Business.)
"I thought of you first after my family sat down to watch the video we gave them. They loved it, to say the least!  Within thirty seconds my mom was crying and my dad did too.  They said it was the best Christmas gift we could have given them!!  You did such a beautiful job!  They were so surprised and so touched---they really, really, really loved it.  Thanks for helping to make it so special to us all.  My mom mentioned how the songs were perfect for the video too!  Thanks again!"
Kelli  (    College Station, TX
Let me make you a video from your pictures or home movies!
Check out the web page for Michael's video production business!
 Video Imagery

Do you feel as if life has no meaning for you?
 The Four Spiritual Laws

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